Lot of people have learned Jira while at home during the lockdown. London and I think most of UK is still in lockdown, hopefully it will be relaxed in coming weeks but what I wanted to share is that use the time wisely. I know we all are missing meeting our friends and drinking with friends but we have to find ways to get the most out of this situation. Staying at home is for this long has been annoying but we have so much time we can used to learn a new skill. That new skill can open doors and give you more opportunities. Learning Jira is one such thing you can do. Lockdown for me was not to bad, for instance I have been learning Node.js for the past few months, this is along with my usual videos and other courses that I have making. My content is free and I have intentions to keep it…
There were few questions on the community related to using smart values for fetching change history of an issue. It is much easier to use ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud but there is something that can be done using Automation as well.
I would prefer using ScriptRunner as writing a groovy script is easier, a bit more readable and can handle complex cases. In both cases you need this end point.
Let us say you want to do it using Automation rules, then when you call this end point. You will get a response JSON back in a smart value which you can access like this.
Now if you log this smart value you will get the json of the histories part of all the change histories. Now you can…
Use Atlassian tools at work? or are you in the Atlassian ecosystem? Tell @Adaptavist how you use the tools for your chance to win a $250 Amazon gift voucher. State of Atlassian Survey closes on 26th February. Click here: https://bit.ly/3tJJK9w
Attending #LondonDevOps virtual event. Looking forward to talks from Phil Wigg - "Google Cloud, the story so far" and Natalie Godec - "The Misadventures of One Cloud Function" Thanks @adaptavist and other sponsors :)
How can I give read only permission to someone to only one project?
You need to create a permission scheme with Browse project permission given to a specific role, you can call it "Read only" group. Also in your permission scheme make sure this role doesn't have any edit permission.
Are you on free plan? You need paid plan to create own permission schemes.
Dear @TheViralFever can you please add "f" to toggle fullscreen, option to skip intro and next, previous buttons in your player as well, btw great work on Gullak. Loving it.
If you want to upgrade your Jira instance from very old version to the latest one then you will have to perform several jumps. I am trying to list the versions that you need to upgrade to.
5.2.7 or 6.0.3 > 6.4.14 > 7.0.11 > 7.13.13 > 8.15.0 > Cloud
For each version you will have to ensure the platform is support as well - mainly Java and Database. You can find this information for 8.15 here.
Hopefully this will help you.
124 videos on ScriptRunner for Jira, 34 videos on ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud, 33 videos Automation rules and 28 videos on Jira REST API. Still not sure how to get started with automation? ;) #ScriptRunner #Automation #Jira