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Did you get a chance to try Jira expressions yet? Let us learn how to add a workflow condition using them along with #scriptrunner for Jira on Cloud.
Today let us learn how to use Scripted condition on Jira Cloud. Check whether the issue has an attachment of type pdf. issue.attachments.filter(attachment => attachment.mimeType == 'application/pdf').length > 0 Check whether the issue has comments. issue.comments .length > 0 Learn about Jira expressions hereand take a look at some example conditions here.
Using ThinkPad x220 in 220 is not a bad idea.
Do you know that you can host a static website for free on #Gitlab? It super easy and fun. You can also create a #pipeline to deploy your site automatically from new commits. Want to learn how to do it? P.S - I use #Emacs #OrgMode to quickly publish my notes to my blog with CI/CD pipelines. Fun stuff.
Burnham Park
Morning walk in the park.
Try dwm which is an awesome window manager to get things done quickly. It is not very easy and you will have to make changes in C files and recompile it, but once you get used to it there is no going back.
Google Photos stopping unlimited storage. Are you worried?
This ladies and gentlemen is the BlackBerry of Laptops ?
When you configure your Jira instance for SSO then there might be cases when you want to bypass it for testing or may be your SSO is not working. Take a look at this document from Atlassian:…
Atlassian Team Tour
#AtlassianTeamTour is happening right now. Come and chat with us at the @adaptavist booth @atlassian #ScriptRunner Adaptavist is a global technology and innovative solutions provider, helping organisations boost agility and overcome the challenges of digital transformation. Founded in 2005, its team spans over 300 employees globally, with a 13,000+ customer base representing more than half of the Fortune 500. As a Platinum Atlassian Solutions Partner in EMEA and North America, a Platinum Marketplace Partner, and a trusted Slack partner, it offers expert consultancy including SPC-certified SAFe® Agile implementation, app integration, training, managed services, and licensing solutions. The company has been awarded the Queen's Awards for Enterprise, Deloitte's Technology Fast 50, and The…


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