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How to install Drush on Dreamhost

If you use drupal then you should install drush. It is basically a very nice collection of scripts that saves lot of time like downloading, installing and enabling modules. With just single command you can do all that once. Thats not it! It does a lot of things. Just read the the documentation here http://drupal.org/project/drush

How to install drush on dreamhost!

1. Download and Unpack Drush: First, you need to login to the shell of your Dreamhost account. In your home directory, download and unpack Drush. From the command line type:

curl -O http://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/drush-All-Versions-2.0.tar.gz

(The latest version at the time of writing.)

Now type:

tar -zxf drush-All-Versions-2.0.tar.gz

You should be left with a folder called drush that contains the drush library.
2. Get Drush on the Commandline: Now you need to make drush available to you on the command line. Open the file called .bash_profile by typing

nano .bash_profile

and navigate to the bottom of the screen. Enter the following line:

alias drush='/usr/local/php5/bin/php /home/DREAMHOST_USERNAME/drush/drush.php'

(Don't forget to replace with your Dreamhost username.) Now save the file with the keystroke CTRL + X
3. Logout: Now type exit to logout. This will force the shell to re-read the .bash_profile file.
4. Log Back In: Log back in and you should be ready to drush!

Source: http://brenthardinge.net/blog/howto-install-drush-dreamhost

Have fun! Drupal rocks!!

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