Recently I started reading this book and I can't stop myself from blogging about it. This book has the stories of 25 entrepreneurs from IIMA who chose the tough road and chased their dreams. It is a must read for all those people who want to do something useful in life.
Personally I am not against working in big companies. I feel you should do whatever you do you must love it. As far as job is concerned you can not get 100% satisfaction, this is what I feel. Either your profile is not suitable or the people are not good around you or you might not be happy with the money you are earning. This book has stories of people who left their big jobs because they wanted to do something more in life which is beyond earning fat salaries.
You join a company as a fresher, you work for some years, you get promoted to senior position. You continue this path and one day you become senior manager and end up earning lot of money. Personally I don't think there is any excitement in this kind of career path. End of the day you are just working for someone else, it is not your dream.
I highly recommend this book to all the students and professionals. This book is full of motivational stories and small instances that you can relate to. Rashmi Bansal, the Author of the book has done a great job compiling these well written stories in simple language. I am looking forward to more such books in the future.
Here is the link the book's website: