I enjoying updating #Drupal far more than #Jira :) Feeling relieved now. Last time I upgraded my site was in September 2020, it has been 6 months and I was hoping to update in January but never really got enough time.
These are my notes that I always follow, but for Drupal 8.8.12 version there are slight changes that are mentioned on this page.
For updating I used this command.
composer update drupal/core "drupal/core-*" --with-all-dependencies
Instead of this.
composer update drupal/core-recommended --with-dependencies
Finally on staging and live I used this command.
composer install --no-dev
Instead of this.
composer install
I usually do these updates on weekend and of course I follow standard dev > staging > live workflow. However I run my production site from dev branch which is a bit risky but it is my personal site so I guess it is ok.
I can enjoy my Saturday evening drinks now :)