Smart Values
Regular express to negate a string
There was a question on the community about negating a specific keyword using Regular Express.
Use case: You want to not run the Automation rule when a release is created with name "norelease".
So in this case when you created a new rule with Version created trigger then use the following regular expression.
Regular express to match multiple keywords
When using Automation for Jira you may use regular expressions along with Smart Values (if needed)
Use the "contain regular expression” condition to match for multiple keywords like this.
^(Keyword 1|Keyword 2|Keyword 3)
This will save time and makes your automation neat :)
Want to contact me?
Ravi Sagar
ravi at sparxsys dot com
Author of "Mastering JIRA 7" book. Loves #Jira and #Drupal. #Blogger, #ProblemSolver, #Atlassian #Consultant and #Technologist @ravisagar on twitter
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