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A very happy Ravi Sagar
Yesterday for the first time ever in my life thoughts of old age scared me. What if I get sick in old age. Even in the young age when we get sick with cold or any small disease we get so helpless and need someone to take care of us. In the old age it is very tough. What if I am unable to handle the pain of old age. These scary thoughts came in my mind but I quickly diverted my attention to something different. I guess we should not worry at all about it and enjoy every bit of today. Yeah I know it is easy to say but very hard to follow. How can I stop my mind from thinking about future. Not possible. So what is the solutions. Old Age and Death is an inevitable truth. Delaying it won't stop it from happening. I really want to know now how people in very old ages manage their lives. How do…
Sunrise in Keshav Puram
Before every practical exams students would line up here to get there ready made practical files. Also we used to get all our notes here. This is how a typical engineer is made in India :p Ravi Sagar 9811787069
I have this weird problem. I used to think that it is a gift but not anymore. May be many others experience this. Let me know if it happens to you too? I have very very very good memory!!! I remember almost everything that has every happened in my life (except the studies). I even remember the dates, time, weather, feeling, clothes, news related to that memory. There must be many people who have good memory but those memories just keep popping up in my mind every moment of my life. Like right now while I am typing, memories are flashing across in my mind. I can see an ant crawling on the wall and my mind has already processed lot of things related to ants stored in my mind. It is like a tag cloud which is always moving in my head. I used to love it when I was small but now I find it…
It is march and new financial year has started. Just few days back I submitted all the relevant documents required for tax savings. Tax calculations and doing all the paper work is something I hate a all. Why can't government come up with a very simple, unified approach where we dont have to do any paper work. I would say ZERO PAPER WORK. Government knows my PAN, my bank knows my PAN. We do all sorts of savings like PF, PPF, Mutual Funds, NSC, Home Loan, etc and we are not doing it anonymously!! When we give money to someone, system should be such that it should be tracked in the system. If for example I am doing a saving of 1 lakh then government should check my history and automatically consider my savings. I know in India it is not easy but it is certainly possible. Another thing that…
Here is another small tip for designing drupal website. When you develop sites in drupal you be definitely need to modify the existing css file of the theme you are using. my suggestion is don't mess much with the original theme. Keep it as it is or change it only when you really have to. Just create your own css file, lets say we call it MyOwn.css and write your code in it. Then edit the .info file of the theme you are using and add the following line in it. stylesheets[all][] = style.css stylesheets[all][] = ribbon.css stylesheets[all][] = aggregator.css stylesheets[all][] = local.css stylesheets[all][] = MyOwn.css After doing that clear the cache check if you new css work or not!! Drupal rocks!!
If you use drupal then you should install drush. It is basically a very nice collection of scripts that saves lot of time like downloading, installing and enabling modules. With just single command you can do all that once. Thats not it! It does a lot of things. Just read the the documentation here How to install drush on dreamhost! 1. Download and Unpack Drush: First, you need to login to the shell of your Dreamhost account. In your home directory, download and unpack Drush. From the command line type: curl -O (The latest version at the time of writing.) Now type: tar -zxf drush-All-Versions-2.0.tar.gz You should be left with a folder called drush that…
Here is another super cool module for making your Drupal Development life much easier. Every Drupal site with has the functionality of mulitple users/role and when we develop any feature or configure any permission for them we often switch our firefox profile or launch another browser (other than your primary browser) to see how that feature will behave for another users with different permissions. Wouldn't it be great if there is a simpler way for doing that?? Yes there is!! Masquerade module does just that. Oce installed you can easily switch users by selecting an item from the menu. Yes it is that simple!! So just try this module and have fun!!
Here is amazing CSS trick to display links and text over the image slideshow with transparent background. This is really simple to do. Just see this video from mustardseed and implement it for your websites. Really cool!
It is pain to reply to follow up comments on blogs and various site. We maintain a site which has more than 10k members and people ask so many questions via comments but they have to come to the website to post the comments. Which is pain!! Drupal has a module to save time and make it very easy for the site visitors to reply to the comments right from their mailbox. MailComment does just that. It is a gateway module for responding to posts via email. It links outgoing notifications emails with incoming email responses using a combination of mail parameters and digital signatures. When enabled, it adds to outgoing notifications emails a message that looks like: ((( Reply ABOVE this LINE to POST a COMMENT ))) Then the receiver just needs to reply to the mail and the text above…


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