Mastering JIRA 7 Buy Now
Atlassian JIRA 7 is an enterprise issue tracker system. One of its key strengths is its ability to adapt to the needs of an organization, ranging from building software products to managing your support issues.
How to study for JIRA Administrator Certification
I recently cleared my JIRA Administration Certification and share briefly about my experience about it. I have been working on JIRA for many years now and JIRA along with other Atlassian tools is my main competency these days.
Atlassian Certified JIRA Administrator - Ravi Sagar
So yesterday I cleared the JIRA Administration Certification. Honestly I feel good about it but I don’t think we need a piece of paper to prove that you have expertise on a particular tool.
JIRA Training in India - Best Practices
Over the past few months I have seen a tremendous increase in demand for JIRA Trainers. I guess lot of companies are now moving to JIRA for their Issue Tracking.
Now offering JIRA & JIRA Agile Training anywhere in the world
I am writing after so long on my blog, though I always promise myself to update this blog regularly but it never happens. Well things were indeed quite busy in the past few weeks. At sparxsys we are now planning to do more challenging work than ever.
Ryan Chambers missing in India since 2005
Today I came to know about Ryan Chambers who is missing in India since 2005. I somehow came to know about him through twitter.
Festivity is in the air
So it is the start of Festival season. Rakhi just passed last week and next week Independence day is coming. I need to buy kites :) Well things are going just fine in life but sometimes I just feel that things could be better. Well I guess it is with everyone.
Want to contact me?
Ravi Sagar
ravi at sparxsys dot com
Author of "Mastering JIRA 7" book. Loves #Jira and #Drupal. #Blogger, #ProblemSolver, #Atlassian #Consultant and #Technologist @ravisagar on twitter
Want my help? raise a support request for me.
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