
GetAnswers - Kanban board for requirements?

Submitted by ravisagar on

You can create a separate Kanban board to capture and work on the requirements before they are selected for delivery by your SCRUM team.

#GetAnswers #KanbanBoard

Upgrade to Greenhopper 6

Submitted by ravisagar on

For those who are using JIRA Greenhopper for their Agile projects - just check out the new features in Greenhopper new 6.x version. It is really awesome. The best thing I like about it is the ability to start multiple sprinits at the same time in the Scrum Board.

Creating Modules for JIRA and Greenhopper Training

Submitted by ravisagar on

These days I am working on creating training Modules for JIRA. There is one really good thing about this great tool. JIRA and Greenhopper both have an excellent documentation.

JIRA Consultant in Delhi

Submitted by ravisagar on

Hi there, I am writing after a long long time. Sorry for that, can't help it. I have been very occupied with work and updating blog is low priority then but you know I really like updating my blog. I wish if I could do it more often but anyways.

Waiting for JIRA server to start

Submitted by ravisagar on

I reached office quite early today, I think I was the first one to enter the floor. Its been 1 hour since I came and now people have started coming. It's winter time now and today I am wearing sweater for the first time.


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