These days I am working on creating training Modules for JIRA. There is one really good thing about this great tool. JIRA and Greenhopper both have an excellent documentation. So the Training Modules that I cam creating will not reinvent the wheel and there is no way I can keep it updated but I am trying to include various Use Cases in it which should be applicable to lot of people (I hope so).
The best thing about JIRA is that it can be customized the way you work and not vice versa. You don't really need to modify your process to use this tool. JIRA and its Agile features can be aligned to your way of working.
Anyways life is really busy these days. I kinda isolated from lot of exciting things happening these days but I guess that is the sacrifice you have to make to achieve bigger things. I know I close to my target and I can see my goals clearly.
On another note I was thinking of using Drupal Services API and JIRA API to connect them together. I am sure it can be done without problem but just thinking the need for doing so. Drupal is my first love and I have fallen in love with JIRA too. Connecting them together would be so cool. Ahh...btw I am also trying to get my hands dirty in Mobile Development. I am just working on an App to fetch data from Drupal site. Well I am doing lot of things at the same time :)
Just wanted to update quickly. Signing off now.